The Benefits of Using Motion Graphics in Marketing

African ethnicity man working with infographic on laptop

Digital marketing has a wide range of available formats, but video production is undeniably one of the primary ones. 93% of video marketers have stated that video has directly led to a rather significant customer increase. Meanwhile, 91% reported an increase in return on investment, according to Animoto’s Social Video Trends: Consumer and Marketer Insights 2020. Video being essentially omnipresent in marketing means that you have to exert a little extra effort to stand out. This is where motion graphic videos come into play.

3 Pre-Production Tips for Crafting a Great Corporate Video

corporate interview

Corporate videos have become an increasingly helpful tool in the business world. While they have been used by companies for decades, they have evolved and come a long way over the years. On top of that, their uses and applications in these digital times are ever-expanding.